Ford Mondeo Mk2 Radio Wiring Diagram
163 Posts
Discussion Starter · #1 ·
Hi guys, does anyone know the wiring colors for the mk1 mondeo 1994?
I havnt got a manual and cant seem to find it anywhere?
Its got the factory fitted fx3000 cd player, but doesnt work, so was going to fit my kenwood cd unit instead.
Any ideas would be much apprieciated.
19,673 Posts
163 Posts
Discussion Starter · #3 ·
nice one mate, will have a look into that over the weekend.
1,233 Posts
you should just be able to get an adaptor loom rather than cut and splice-i despise people who do that with the cheepness and availability of adaptor looms as it makes it a nightmare for any new owner
163 Posts
Discussion Starter · #5 ·
i no mate, thats why i was asking, the last owner had cut all the wiring out and made a right hash of it all, i did order an orignal wiring loom, but still need to know which wires which as there is no orignal din plug...
I apprieciate your response and total agree with you in that respect.
Happy Xmas.
1,233 Posts
aah thats ok then mate, i thought you were gonna make a hash of it, did the mirez site sort you out ok?
163 Posts
Discussion Starter · #7 ·
i think it will, i havnt got round to it yet, will do this weekend, as its a bit miserable staring at a bunch of hacked wires while doing a long journey!!!!lol
6 Posts
hi all,
we are having exactly the same problems with our new mondeo, we just got it second hand with a goodmans cd player installed already. we got a new kenwood cd player for it and realised someone had connected the goodmans up using terminal blocks. We paid for an "ISO" kit and now we're struggling to connect the correct wires, I read through this thread already and checked the link but we still cant get the cd player to work, any ideas or further links for more help?
163 Posts
Discussion Starter · #9 ·
im going to be sorted this out this weekend some time so if I find out anything more will post on here.
I would have thought that the ISO kit should just plug straight into the wiring loom, unless the wires have been changed on the innereds themself? That link that was posted looked like it covered all the colours and that?
Will let you know when I get my Kenwood CD player working, if i can.
2 Posts
Any updates on this? I have the same problem, someone pulled out the old radio and cut all the wires. When I got the car, there was just a hole in the dash with a bunch of wires hanging out. The mirez link doesn't seem to match up with my car. I found the battery and ignition wires and they are opposite of the diagram in the link. I have two possible sets of speaker wires, but the speakers either don't work or I'm not getting the right combination of wires. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
39,488 Posts
i had this problem, i got some more wiring plugs cut off a scrap mondeo and joined them back onto the original wiring loom, then plugged in a wiring loom adaptor.
it took me a while to suss out the wire colours, but i think mirez site came up trumps in the end.
i would like to ring the neck of whoever cut off the wires!
163 Posts
Discussion Starter · #12 ·
right after much confusion and blowing a few fuses, here is the colors for the radio which work for my Kenwood KDC-3021 to the mk1 wiring.
Key (Car=mk1, KW=Stereo)
Ground(Earth)- Car=Black/Green KW=Black
12v Constant - Car=Blue/Black KW=Yellow
12v Switch(ACC) - Car=Orange/Black KW=RED
The Miraz site was virtualy spot on. I rewired a new ford iso block, so hopefully if i change stereos or sell car in the future, the new one should just plug straight in... if only people would leave it at that in the first place....
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